Rachel's arch nemesis... Moth wins hands down
On the 8th and 9th of November, the GNF Youth Leaders took a climb up to Simuti to seek God. I've never been to Simuti and was pretty excited (Ignoring my particular need for clean bathrooms and efficient sewage systems). We prayed everyday, intensely, for a whole week before going up to Simuti. And was all totally worth it.
The team of 13 people (uncle Jeff, Aunty Su, Lydia, Lysandra, Karen, Katrina, Rachel, Keith, James, Dennis, Megan, Amanda and I) split up into 3 cars for the journey up. I went with Dennis, Keith, James and Karen.
During the journey up the mountain to Simuti, Keith kept groaning about how modern Simuti would've become. And every time I gasp at some awesome sight of nature, one of my car mates would give me a look that says "I can't believe you've never been up to Simuti." And after I've been there, I say "Neither can I."
Simuti is a mountain village where GNF has one of its kampung churches. So our boss, Aunty Su, picked it as the venue of our first youth leaders' retreat as a team. Just being in Simuti already makes you feel closer to God. (And it has nothing to do with the "No Network Coverage" flashing on my cell phone screen, I swear!) :p The place is so peaceful. So beautiful. So naturey.
Upon our arrival, we were shown to our rooms in the church right at the top of the mountain and before long, were ushered off to one of the villager's house for a Durian Welcome. (much to my dismay and Uncle Jeff's delight) It's so awesome and refreshing to see these people being so friendly and giving to outsiders. Though the durians didn't please me much, the sight of joy and giving in that place certainly did!
After a couple of hours rest, the retreat kicked off with Uncle Jeff sharing about the most important aspect of leadership - self-leadership. Made me think a lot about the way I lead. And I learned a lot about my giftings during that session too.
At 1500 hours, Aunty Su taught us how to do a prayer walk around the village. To speak blessing into the lives of the villagers, to break bondages and to release God's promises in the village. That was one of the most refreshing and tiring prayer walks I've ever had.
We had to climb slopes, walk down narrow stairs, balance across narrow bamboo bridges and just plain walk while praying continuously aloud. Walking around the mountain-village, we were offered durians by the villagers at almost every house we passed. Lucky for them I don't eat durian or they'll be sorry they asked! :p
One of the highlights of the trip was when we prayer-walked across the open field just below the church. We saw visions in that field. The whole village , not confined to the church building's four walls, but out there on the open field worshipping their God and Creator. From the sunrise to sunset. It was a beautiful vision which was shared among more than a couple of the leaders.
After the tiring prayer walk, we shared our visions and thoughts with the whole group and dismissed til dinner. An interesting UNO game started where the loser washes up at dinner. Katrina and Dennis lost but I don't remember them washing my plate. Lol.
After the youth's worship, without prior notice, the youth leader of the Simuti church invited us to share the word of God. And we weren't even prepared for the evening! James ended up sharing about faith (His prepared message for Sunday). It was a total walk the talk scene for him that night. Bravo!
Aunty Su prays for the youths
Us praying for the only SPM student in Simuti :D
The hoodies :)
Our supper of instant noodles
After breakfast, we assembled at the field of visions and prayed that our visions for that place will come to pass. Aunty Su shared the word of God that morning to the Bidayuh congregation. At the altar-call, the youth team spread out and prayed for not only kids and young people but for adults as well! We prayed for boldness for the trip and here it is in full display! SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS!
Aunty Su sharing on Sunday
Youths pray for the congregation
Keith and our mascot, Hunter
The girls and Hunter
awww I miss Simuti...
I can't believe you've never been there before this. hahahah.
so serene. i wanna go again. any mission trips coming up when i'm back? ;P
there's an outreach.. but not in a village :p
this x'mas our church is going out to the community! hahas
when're you back?!?
awwwww i miss simuti too.
=( *teary eyes* you guys had fun huh... haha you guys with the 'hunter' is soooo cute
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