Tuesday, February 17, 2009

as per Edina's request: an Update.

I spent Chinese New Year '09 in KL and Taiping. Oo, home sweet home... Everything's uber fine back home. Got to catch up with family, which was most definitely the highlight of the trip. One thing I've gotta say I'm totally disappointed with is the food. It's like everything I eat, tastes bad. Well not exactly BAD, bad but its standard dropped dramatically. As if bad food isn't torture enough, the places that we plan to eat at are either sold out or worse, closed for the holidays. I'm so not planning to eat anything anymore anytime I'm back.

My speculations as to why food sucks this trip:

  • Maybe it's gotta do with it being the festive seasons and the chefs are lazily counting down the days to their own holiday to be bothered by mine.
  • My family used to be one of the main patrons of those eating places and our absence for a year has sparked resentment in the hearts of the owners of the eating place which sprung out of bad business. So, upon seeing us, they did the only obvious thing to do: make our food suck.
  • Or maybe my taste buds are infected with the Kuching flava. Oh dear Lord, say it isn't so. I have been Kuching-ized.

On the other hand I'm getting text messages about good food happening in Kuching. Like, uh! Can you spell ENVY?? Anyhoo, glad I did not put on tons of pounds this holiday, which is always a definite plus.

However, silly me did not even consider taking pics this trip as I was completely preoccupied with a total sweetie! He's the cutest cutie pie ever....um....baked? lol

When I first met him back home, I was indifferent but thought he was cute (heck, who wouldn't?!). You know how these things go. We lived under one roof for a couple or so days and indifference turned to infatuation.

And for the rest of my trip, I guess you could say he was the only thing on my mind (ask my mummy)...

I miss the super cutie pie Justin. Hope to see him soon :(
That's the only down side of leaving KL. Other than that, I'm glad to be back!!!

p.s.: springpoststillpending...

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